After six continuous days of drunkenness and debauchery, I've finally copped out for a night of sobriety and propriety. But despite my patchy memory, I'll try to recap the past week.

Day 1 (Tuesday)
Immediately after my last paper, I rushed straight to the Mill for what would be my first alcoholic drink of many to come within the following days. It took a Herculaneum effort to contain my happiness. I could hardly stop myself from jumping up and down and skipping along the road.

Whilst waiting for the rest of team to turn up, I had a nice warm cup of tea with Peter at Pembroke College and caught up with him. It's been too long. The last I saw him was probably last term. Dinner followed soon after with some of team at the swanky Zizi's. Sweet wine flowed freely and we had a nice buzz going by the end of it.

More drinks followed at the Maypole with more of team turning up. Cocktails accompanied general banter and before long, we were too far gone to be saved. The rest of the night was spent dancing at Life.

Day 2 (Wednesday)
Celebratory drinks at a pub in commemoration of Andy who finished a day later despite doing the same course as I am. The small affair ended with more wine back at college.

Day 3 (Thursday)
Retail therapy with my beloved Sam from late morning to early afternoon. Drinks accidentally started at around 4.00 pm. We were drunk surprisingly early. But who would ever resist Cherry Brandy? Mmm! The alcohol was accompanied by thumping music and texts were immediately sent out to the rest of team. '
Spice up your life! Come to k's room! You know you wannabe! Say you'll be there!' You get the idea.

Tired and hungry, we retired to a quiet meal at the classy Pizza Express. With the night being so young, more drinks were in order after dinner. Same went for music and dancing. Second round. An episode with the vodkamelon followed of which more to come at another post. Like previous nights, the entire sordid affair ended early in the morning at around 5.00 am.
Day 4 (Friday)
When you're with team, you come to expect every night to begin with drinks. Cocktails and dinner began at Old Orleans where we were tipsy enough to chat up the waitress and play pictionary.

Satisfied and satiated, we trouped over to the University Centre for General Dancing. More drinks followed after at the bar before retiring to my room for even more alcohol. Once again, music and more dancing ensued. Twister is always a good idea when you're drunk and with team. Before long, we were progressing on to Advance Twister which can only be left to the imagination.
Day 5 (Saturday)
All I can say is: Special day. Also, Ali's birthday celebration with lots of alcohol and random banter. Didn't stay for long because of too much alcohol and general happiness.

Day 6 (Sunday)
Team Garden Party at Darwin Island. Alex prepared the Pimm's whilst his boyfriend Dan got the barbecue started. That was until I replaced Alex who had diluted the Pimm's way too much with Lemonade till it was just as good as Lemonade. Oh and not forgetting the much anticipated vodkamelon.
It's unbelievable how inappropriate team can be and the fact we put up with it. Life followed immediately and boy, was it packed! But again, when you're with the dance team, it's not a problem getting our own space on the dancefloor. We're not trying to make the others look bad. Honest.

Funnily enough, my room became the last stop after Life where we had nice cups of tea and good soothing music. It was a good relaxing way to end the night.
And so, I rest on the seventh day. Only to ready myself for the coming week: May Week. And the rest of my Summer break.